lauantai 4. elokuuta 2012

Whole saturday went moving all sorts of boat equipment to the garage. I also started doing those support for the boat and I have to get back to the garage and finish them tomorrow (today to be accurate, its so late already). There is two pictures attached for todays post. First shows how much there is loose stuff coming with the boat. There is not all. Rest of the stuff will be moved with the boat on monday. Second picture shows the garage which is intended for the boat. Boat itself will fit in just fine. My only concern is the height of the door opening. I hope that there is enough space for truck crane to lift the boat in.

There is lots of clutter in the garage at the moment. but I'll be cleaning it up during the project. I have to go sleep so I wont go into details about this garage any further. I will tell the history of the garage in upcoming posts. I already did that in Finnish for where this project can be followed in Finnish language.

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